Online Survey

Professional Home-Based Medical Care in Malawi

We are conducting a market research on professional home-based medical care [in Malawi] on behalf of a new healthcare company with specialised nurses who will be providing quality, medical care in the comfort of the patients’ homes in Malawi. We would like to know your opinions on the matter, so we have formulated a short, online survey. By providing feedback, you will be helping a team of brave, Malawian nurses providing their services not only to COVID-19 patients, but also to all those requiring medical care at home. Please note that, like in any market research, our client has set a criteria for an eligible respondent type, and should you meet this criteria, you will be awarded with 1000 Kwacha in the form of TNM OR Airtel data bundle.

Please watch the video on how we KEEP YOUR DATA SAFE, as explained by our Managing Director.

To take part in this incredibly important study for the community in Malawi, please sign up or log in below.

  • Location: Nationwide, Malawi
  • Date: Until completed
  • Time: At your convenience
  • Duration: Up to 10 minutes
  • Incentive: 1000 Kwacha in the form of TNM OR Airtel data bundle
  • Availability: 500 slots available