Online Survey + Web Telephone Interview

Medical devices usage

We are currently looking to invite people that are using urinary catheter to take part in a market research in order to help us improve this medical device.

Note that a member of our team may ask you to provide us with additional details or proof in order for your profile to go through the validation process and determine your eligibility for this study. This information will not be shared with any third parties and is necessary for quality control purposes. Market research is not intended to be promotional in any way. All the data you provide us, including your identity, will remain confidential unless you waive your right to anonymity. You have the right to refuse to answer any questions or withdraw altogether.

  • Location: Nationwide, USA
  • Date and time: To be Confirmed
  • Duration: 15min online survey + 30min WATI
  • Incentive: $35 + $60
  • Availability: 12 slots available